Thursday, February 19, 2009

Correct Pronunciation of 'unn' (tippi) ending Akhars

As I browsed through web resources I found certain gurbani akhars (words) that were spelled wrongly most are these words were ending with 'unn' (tippi). These are pronounced through nasal airway, thus make different sound than those with tongue touching up in mouth or teeth, These words start from first akhar (word) of gurbani that is Ikk O-unn Kaar which is usually spelled as Ik OangKaar. And this happens to be the name of a famous sikh bibi, she writes her name as Ik OangKaar Kaur. The alphabet/letter 'g' is not to be included in the spelling because it is nowhere.
Another word is teyg-unn (with sword) which is usually spelled as "Teyg Ung" these spellings were found on sikhi websites, like,,
I thought maybe this post could help stop this practice.