Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sikhs wearing caps (modified)

There are lots of persons who wear caps or hats.

Most distressful were the images of Sikhs wearing
what's in there,if a Sikh wears a cap?
Should a Sikh be wearing a cap?
are few questions that need to be answered.

Sikhs like Gurumustak Singh Khalsa -who is a one of
those Sikhs who try to live their lives as been told
in Sikhi- when are seen in images wearing hats while
doing garden chores are disheartening.

helmets,caps,hats,and many other such headgears should
not be placed by Sikhs on their heads.
Sikhs are required to wear Dastaar for covering their

Himmat Singh,Gurdarshan Kaur, have also been seen -in images
available on various Sikhi related sites/blogs on internet-
wearing the head covers -which are also caps- provided
with jackets.
while images of Himmat Singh are available on:
image of Gurudarshan Kaur is available on:

images of Arjan Kaur Khalsa wearing cap can also be found
on Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa's blog:

It is pity to wear a cap,etc when provided with Dastaar.

(the above statement is made in general)

Sikhs when fighting along with various allied and other
forces in world wars 1 & 2, didn't wear helmets as other
soldiers from varios other religions did.

thousands or perhaps millions of sikhs died because of head
injuries but Sikh soldiers insisted on wearing DASTAAR (their
religious headgear)
-note it carefully since this statement is not being made for
it to be effective but this did happened actually-

(ably tells about Sikhs' respect for their hair)

Gaddari Sikhs -of Gaddar Party- while were in Cellular jail
Port Blair,Andaman & Nicobar Is refused to wear caps provided
by British and instead tied their blankets as Dastaars
-see the respect Sikhs do to their Kesh-

this post is modified and orginal post has been removed.

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